Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Soul

I'm one of those people that believes a whole person consist of mind, body and soul. So far for my body, I exercise daily, I don't eat any process foods, I drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. For my mind, I do rather strange mental exercises, I read regularly, I write regularly and I give myself plenty opportunity to just THINK. I also take care of my soul. I grew up Christian so I've always been involved in the church, but being involved in the church doesn't really satisfy the soul. For me is it having my own personal relationship with God, even if its a bit nontraditional. Although I believe in free will, its comforting for me to know that God is truly in control of my life. More than going to church regularly I make time to get to know my spiritual being. I speak positive words into my life and that of my family and I pray. I believe whole-heartily that as I do my part and make good decisions God will heal me. I know in this politically correct world that we live in now this all seems strange and old fashion-but for me taking care of my soul is just as important as taking care of my body.

I love gospel music, and I love the old spirituals. I can't tell you how many times the right gospel song will come on and suddenly I feel strong enough to make it through another day! I can't tell you how many times I've prayed for strength and God granted it to me. This is not a pitch for conversion-it's just what has absolutely worked for me. As my fellow church-goers would say...."My life is a living Testimony!"

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