Sunday, July 26, 2009

Auntie Flow Visits & My Mental excercise

Approximately 15 days or so after starting my new personal (natural) program to balancing my hormones I got my period. I haven't had a normal period since April! It's a bitter sweet visit. Like most women I don't usually jump for joy when Auntie comes to town and this time was no exception. The other thing is if your a woman hoping even slightly to get pregnant the sight of Aunt Flow is a stinging slap in the face. However, this time her visit also brought an added importance- an indication that my body is normalizing. This is what I keep repeating to myself, not only because its true, but because it helps me to turn my focus from what is happening now. Everyone knows we live in a microwave society and we have no patience to wait a minute for what we want. Lately I force myself to be conscience of my impatience. Not only in childbearing, but in every aspect of my life. It's a good mental exercise. There are days that I literally make myself use the stove-top instead of the microwave just to prove to myself that I did not lose anything. (the only thing that I lost was some unnecessary radiation exposure). I don't allow myself to read the ending of the book before reading the whole book (a practice that I am very fond of ). Previously, to get myself motivated to run, I envisioned the end of the run-now I make myself envision every step of the run. So what's the point of all of this? I don't really know, except I remember when my hubby and I were dating (over the Internet- see why i like my online doctors!) Anyway, when hubby and I were dating, it wasn't the wedding day that I kept looking forward too. Our relationship was so unusual (and amazing) that I had no choice but to focus on every moment. My husband and I defied distance, culture and pretty much reasonable logic to be together. During those times, if all I was thinking about was a wedding day I would have missed out on a amazing courtship. All of that to say, that my mental exercise is to actually live through life-not fast forward through! Even if that means I have to feel the pain sometimes. So here's to welcoming Auntie Flow, though not glad, I am really okay about her being here!

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