Friday, July 17, 2009

Maintaining on the Road

Setting good habits is hard. Once set, its hard to keep and maintain those good habits. For me, to make this complete change in eating; including counting carbs, reading the labels on EVERYTHING to make sure their is no corn syrup and fructose, hydrogenated and other 'foreign substances' was particular challenging. My success in the past two-weeks is because I set a strict schedule for myself. I wake up at 6 am, pray and meditate, go for my 30 minute run; eat oatmeal or eggs, take my vitamins and herbal supplements, then start my day. Of course I don't always stick to the schedule, but having it and keeping it visible gives me a constant goal to reach. I have found that for every time that I achieve the schedule, I am more likely to meet it again the next day.

This weekend is a whole new challenge. I am taking a quick trip and will be away from home for a few days. So far my success of maintaining my eating habits is 60 (good)/40 (bad). For dinner last night, I had a garden salad with grill chicken (good) and a handful of french fries (bad). For a snack a had some raisins, but I didn't read the label in time to realize that they were high in sugar content. I did take my vitamins, but didn't run.

Today is a new day. So far I had my oatmeal and took my vitamins and I am getting ready to do my run. I am learning how to maintain even when away. There are more temptations on the road but my determination is getting stronger. The idea is not to tie my success to what's around me, but instead to what is in me. Whether I am here or there I need to constantly make good decisions and maintain good eating health (and that of my children) depend on it!

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