Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Body Knowledge

I grew up Haitian. Therefore the extent of my health education was don't let a boy touch you. Period. Back in the day Haitian parents did not believe in taking their daughters to the gynecologist out of fear that the gyno would 'accidentally' take their daughters virginity away. Seriously, that is what they honestly believed.

Things of course have changed now. My mom and I both see, in hindsight, that my hormones were always off from the beginning. In the early years of my menstruation, I remember my periods being very irregular. I just assumed that that was normal. Interestingly enough my mother was great at making sure we had yearly physicals. Without fail, there was a question either asked verbally or in one of the many forms we filled out, if i had regular, irregular or no periods. Year after year I responded irregular. Yet no one ever raised a red flag, took any further test or urged my mom to take me to a specialist. I am not blaming anyone, I am simply pointing out that our health care system needs reforming. I know Congress and the President are getting ready for a show down on health care and a lot of politicking is about to take place. However let us keep in perspective that lives and quality of life are at stake. If you have never been sick, or if you have a private doctor that is willing to spend more then 15minutes in consultation with you, you may not understand the urgency. But if you have ever for even 5 minutes felt like your doctor could care less whether you ever get to hold your own baby or felt like your doctor, hospital or clinic identified you as a disease rather than as a person, you would know and you would understand that we do need health care reform.

However reform starts at home. I am on a new tip of getting to know my body. There are habits that can make us sick. There are foods that can make us well. And we get to decide which path to take. No matter how great our health system, doctors and hospitals become we are still the first line of defense. Each individual must take some responsibility for their health. There are a few basic things that you can do to help your body: exercise regularly, eat lots of fruits and veggies!

Going through PCOS, I've learned that you can reclaim power over your health. Sure sacrifices have to made and it may take time to undo bad habits; but take a step today. Do it for you!
Here's to body knowledge, living healthy and health care reform!!! hip- hip hooray!!!

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