Friday, July 10, 2009

The Medication Arrived

I'm on new meds. Their herbal and natural. I've always believed natural is the way to go. I still prayed over them though (something I learned from my parents) you just don't eat food or take medicine without praying over them in my family! Anyway, my new medication arrived with a nutritional plan and a long list of what-not-to-eat. Suddenly as I sat there in my living room reading through instructions, and directions I felt overwhelmed by it all. It dawned on me that the freedom to eat what I pleased, is over. I now have to read labels!!! I've always hated reading labels. What difference does it make how many calories, carbs, fats something had if you ate it in moderation? Apparently a ton of difference,-say my internet doctors. Before you start thinking that I must be going out of my mind for consulting a doctor (or nurse) via the internet, you should know that I learned more from my internet doctor than all the doctor visits I've had in the last year! Don't get me wrong, I am not encouraging anyone to forsake their biweekly doctor visits for the internet, am just saying this clinic that I have found on the internet, though miles from me, gave me more compassion and understanding then all the local doctor's visit I've had. But that's not what is important. What is in important is I am on a journey towards healing. And where I currently find myself is reading labels. Reading labels to learn what is harmful, and to learn what is helpful. For some this might sound easy, but for me it's deep.

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