Thursday, July 23, 2009

Like Prof. Gates, I don't journey alone

Henry Louis Gates, a renowned professor at Harvard gets arrested for disorderly conduct in his own home. The media and the public have weighed in heavily about what role race may have played in this incident. But what was most interesting to me is that President Obama also weighed in. His comments started with letting the public know, unequivocally that Prof Gates, (who the President referred to as Skip) is a friend. In other words, he is saying"that's my boy and I have his back!" Prof. Gates is getting support of a high kind. No matter how the police officer tried to humiliate him, his friendships will help him overcome everything. So ask yourself, who has your back? Who are your friends that won't let advisers, or politics prevent them from weighing in on you behalf? Technology can make it easier or harder to cultivate human relationships, its up to each individual to decide. But be certain of this, we all need someone. Prof. Gates' position at Harvard, his degrees and impeccable reputation did not keep him from cultivating relationships and friendships-people who now stand solidly with him.

This has me thinking about my own friendships. I am blessed to have people in my life that have my back. I have friends and family who keep me encouraged and prayed up, and who, no matter what, will stand with me. When doctors first told me that they didn't think I could have children, my friends and family told me otherwise. It is when you are in trouble that you know who your true friends are. I am thankful that I have so many people; starting with my amazing husband, parents, my sis-in-laws, bros, my pastor and inner circle of friends keep me believing that the best is yet to come. When I do I have my children, I am looking forward to having all these people around me celebrating - my journey would not be the same without them- it's the best feeling to know that I don't journey alone.

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