Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oh God, I can't have CEREAL!!!

My new nutritional plan excludes cereal. CEREAL. My absolutely FAVORITE meal. (The all caps is not just drama, I really LOVE cereal.) But I can't have it now, so I am taking a deep breath and moving on. I am sure there is some deeper philosophical lesson here-something about the thing you love the most could be what is killing you! Too Deep? Anyway, the medical doctors (not the ones on the Internet) diagnose me with PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome. Basically he says my hormones are completely imbalanced and its messing with my ovaries, which is messing with, according to him, with my reproduction system. For some reason carbs mess with my hormones. My nutritional plan teaches me how to really, really reduce carbs. I also can't eat anything processed (which doesn't take a genius to know that if it comes in a can, and can last forever it can't be good!). More then low carbs, I need to eat fruits and veggies (again nothing earth shattering). Don't be fooled it really is a life style change. This morning I had 1 egg and whole grain english muffin. Last night I had pea and carrot soup. At lunch today I wrapped turkey bacon in lettuce and downed it with some water. Have you ever read the back of a juice label? Let's just say, corn syrup is not a fruit!

I know that all these changes won't give me children, only God gives children, (in His time) but I have to do my part. Sorry cereal, but I have to do my part.


  1. I'm wondering how long before Kellogg's will go out of business!! I know giving up cereal is a TOUGH thing to do when it's your main staple, I'm sorry you have to let it go. I pray that all this sacrifice will give you good health, long life, and the one thing you desire the most---a child. :)

    Just call me when you need support!!

  2. I do feel bad for Kelloggs. I feel like I should send them a condolence letter!!! Thanks
