Thursday, August 6, 2009


Work, life balance is easier said than done! Yesterday I had a day filled with meetings and deadlines. As a result, not only did I not have a chance to run, but I also forgot to take my vitamins. Remember how I had a great plan to make sure that didn't happen? Well, plans are easy to write-but hard to follow! My full-proof plan fell apart yesterday. My day filled up so quick that my little plan was completely squeezed out. So here I am back at square one determined to balance my life. I can't let work consume my life and I have to maintain my program. Besides, I need to find a healthy work balance NOW for when I do have kids I am not running around like a crazy. (I know you've seen those crazy moms around yelling and running like a chicken with its head cut off). Anyway here are the places I messed up and the things that caused my plan to fall apart:
1. I went to bed very late the night before
2. I woke up late that morning (because I went to bed late)
3. I didn't do my run in the morning (because I woke up late)
4. I didn't plan my meals ahead of time
5. Instead of slowing down and reorganizing my day, I stressed!

So there it is in black and white! Now I have to remind myself of these mistakes and avoid them tomorrow. It's interesting that for me to balance my hormones I have to also balance my life. Sometimes to get what we want, we have to learn (and prove) that we can handle it.
I'm looking forward to making tomorrow a balanced day!

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