Friday, August 21, 2009

Body Temp

Today is the 20th of August and my body temperature has not changed from the 1st of August. Remember that a woman's temperature rises when she ovulates and stays elevated if she is pregnant. (Aren't you impressed with how much I know...I'm practically a doctor!) Anyway, each day I chart my body temperature. Well to be honest, charting would entail me writing it down, I just merely remember what the numbers are. This month is has been rather easy to remember my temperature since it has not changed. 96.7. Every morning so far! I even make my husband keep the air conditioning off just to see if I can have just a little change in temperature! But no, morning after morning -no matter what I do-96.7. A year ago, I would make myself feel better emotionally by eating chocolate- and lots of it. But now I am in a really good place spiritually and emotionally so no chocolate. Although the chocolate chip cookies my mother baked doesn't make this easy-I am not going to fall off the bandwagon. Dedication? Well in part, but mostly my new program has given me renewed focus to view my life holistically and I don't want to give that up. Besides, when you view your life holistically it's difficult to fixate on the things that aren't working. One thing I know is that there is so much good in my life. So yeah at 96.7, I'm cool!

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