Thursday, April 29, 2010


Yes! Spring is finally here.  I know it's been so long since I've blog about my journey.  Sometimes you just have to be still.  I needed a quick break from writing about it.  When your facing a difficult route, you need a time-out; not blogging was my time out. Besides, it was a really cold, snowy and gray winter, I was hibernating. In any case that season is over, and now everything is green and beautiful.  So how have I been? Good. Really good.  I'm still taking my vitamins and doing the best I can for my body.  A support group for women trying to get pregnant was started at my church and it's been great. My husband came with me once, and it was the most eye opening experience ever.  As the other women watched in complete silence, each with their own story, their own heartache and their own tears, my husband spoke from his heart in a simple emotional voice, " I love my wife" he said, "I love my wife so much and I am not worried about not being able to have children, I know we will have children.  I am only bothered when my wife is bothered, when she is in pain, I am in pain because I can't watching my wife be in pain." He went on to explain a bit of our journey but in that moment all I heard was God telling me how I blessed I was to be given such a husband that can look a dessert land, and only see lush green life. Yep, my season has definitely changed!